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CEME FOUNDATION, is a non-profit organization established in 2017 with a mission to tackle the problem of school absenteeism among students and teachers facing food insecurity due to Venezuela’s economic crisis.

We believe in a future where all children and youth living in Venezuela’s vulnerable areas attend school and have access to adequate nourishment.

We work with the purpose of encouraging school attendance and reducing child and youth malnutrition rates through a food and school training program at schools in Venezuela’s vulnerable areas.


We believe in the values of solidarity and commitment, promoting sustainable and inclusive programs that encourage education.

We must positively impact children and the community through measurable results, continuous improvement, and a dignified experience.

We are active participants in promoting and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We believe in the importance of working collaboratively and sustainably to address the global challenges facing our world. Through our program, we strive to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs, working in key areas such as poverty eradication, zero hunger, health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, and clean water and sanitation.


We provide meals to children and teachers at vulnerable schools. This program covers administration of resources, storage, supplier purchases, logistics, and preparation and delivery of meals.

We provide nutritional assessments for children conducted by a team of nutritionists, doctors, and psychologists. Our annual goal is to evaluate the nutritional status of both children and teachers. Based on the assessment findings, we offer personalized nutritional sessions to address chronic malnutrition among children.

We provide workshops to teachers and parents about balanced nutrition in times of crisis, pediatric emergencies, and protection from child violence.

PROGRAM SCOOP (locations and beneficiaries)

656 children and teachers:

  • Nursery and primary school at Manuel Gual school (Zulia State)
    343 children and 37 teachers.
  • Nursery and primary school at Herminia Prado School (Falcón State)
    136 children and 32 teachers.
  • Nursery and primary school at Rancho Lazaro School (Falcón State)
    29 children and 9 teachers.
  • Menca de Leoni Special Needs School (Zulia State)
    50 children and 20 teachers.


2019 – 2023

We delivered
164.081 meals to children and teachers at school

1300 Feeding kits, 115 Hygiene kits.
115 Health kits, 12 Workshops delivered,
12 Anthropometric measurement sessions.
12 Medical nutrition sessions.


  • Prepare 131,200 nourishing meals for the 656 students, teachers, administrative personnel and workers of the U.E. MANUEL GUAL, U.E. HERMINIA PRADO, U.E. RANCHO LÁZARO and U.E. MENCA DE LEONI educational centers.
  • Train 200 parents and 100 school employees through six training workshops, every six months, in the areas of potabilization of water, protection from violence and sexual abuse, and food handling and hygiene at the U.E. MANUEL GUAL, U.E. HERMINIA PRADO, U.E. RANCHO LÁZARO and U.E. MENCA DE LEONI schools with the objective of providing to participants knowledge, strategies and tools, at both the generic as well as technical competency levels, that allow them to be more assertive with students and have proper technical training required for the program.
  • Complete 20 health sessions at the schools directed towards the 558 children and the 98 teachers and staff at the U.E. MANUEL GUAL, U.E. HERMINIA PRADO, U.E. RANCHO LÁZARO and U.E. MENCA DE LEONI schools on the medical specialities of nutrition, pediatrics and psycho-pedagogy.
  • Carry out improvements and maintenance of the school kitchens, from June to September.
  • Provide scholarships for 5 students for them to attend the school year at the María Auxiliadora and Corralito Preschools, located in El Hatillo, Caracas.
  • Carry out special activities and events to raise funds in May, June and December with the goal of increasing donations through alliances with companies, organizations and private contributors.